containerization with docker
This is my first docker blog
why we use docker ?
it is use to launch the os within a seconds
which take hour of time in a simple
but by using docker command we used to launch the operating system.
The launched os are known as containers which have networking
with base system
we do with the help of aws cloud (ec2 service)
for ease of use.
Here is some basic commands of docker
log in to the root account as it have unlimited powers.
first of all if you want to use docker
you should install in your os either in virtual machine or
in aws cloud .
In case of virtual machine for example i am using redhat version 9
Installing Docker :- i have to configure yum then we use
yum install docker
systemctl status docker (showing status of docker whether it is running ,active or unactive)
To start the services of docker use:
systemctl start docker
now the docker services started
now to launch any os using docker we require image of that .
for see image and what requirements images needed visit
To download image we have to use the docker
docker pull imagename:tag/version
To see that how many images exist in docker
docker images
use >>docker ps command to see the status of containers.
To launch os within the second use
docker run -i -t image:tag/imagename
-i –>interacting (it provides interface)
-t –> terminal
now the terminal or black screen of that os came
do what you want to do it is launched with in a second .
To see the attribute like -i -t see the manual of docker
use >>docker –help
REMOVING DOCKER IMAGES AND CONTAINER/ OS To remove any image file or runningos
use >>docker rmi image name (rmi-remove image)[to remove image]
for removing running os
either use >>docker stop container name or id [to check name use >>docker ps]
or use >>docker rm -f container name or id (-f is used to delete force fully any container or os)
To delete all the containers at one time :
first we have to learn about use of $
the value we put after $ it put the value of that
not understand don’t worry
for example :
echo x
x (it will print what you write)
and if >>echo $x
5 (the output will print on the screen)
so delete all container use:
docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)
docker ps -a -q (only provides all ids of container ) because of this it acts as a loop (rm -f) commands will forcefully remove all the containers running.
docker run -it –name centos -p 8080:80 centos:7 [as we all have port number 80 we all are able to access webserver using 8080 port number]
-p = this is called as patting or in simple word to expose the webpages
–name (to give the name of container for ease of use)
we launch the centos through our base system
interface of centos came
install httpd to configure webserver
yum install httpd
To start the web server services use:
and your web server services started
But we access the web pages exist inside
/var/www/html [we also able to change this folder also after doing some setting]
use cd command to go inside a that folder
cd /var/www/html
create the file in the html format
To create file use either gedit filename.html and give your content if you are using in virtual machine then only it is useful because it shows graphical output
while using in cloud we don’t use gedit command as cloud doesn’t support
graphical command
but we run all command except that it not show graphical interface
in every os because every command came from some program and
every program belong to some program file
To know which program file that command exist
we use yum in case of ubuntu use apt-get command
yum whatprovides command name
it will provides the program file of that command
install that file to use that command using yum
so don’t use graphical command
so to make html file in cloud use cat command see how
cat > mayank.html (> it is used for pipeing as cat command is to read the content inside the file)
type the content
press ctrl+c
ls [to see whether the file exist or not ]
now you can see in your system by using public ip
docker compose to deploy application like word press
to install docker compose use
(curl -SL -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose)
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose (Making binary file executable )
now create a file in root and also create a directory through which you can mount the volume so that the data is not lost
mkdir /mycode
create the file in .yml format
vim filname.yml
version: "3.8"
services: db: networks:
- mayanknet container_name: mydb image: mysql:latest volumes:
- /database:var/lib/mysql environment:
- MYSQL_USER=mayank
- MYSQL_PASSWORD=redhat wp: depends_on:
- db networks:
- mayanknet container_name: mywp image: wordpress:latest ports:
- 8080:80 environment:
driver: bridge
:wq press enter
docker-compose up -d (to run the code inside the compose file in .yml) now type your publicip:port (in browser ) you willl get the interface of wordpress application